Net Zero Certification for Buildings

Eliminate your building or portfolio’s Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions with the Global Network for Zero, the world’s premier independent net zero certification body.

An affordable, accessible and accelerated approach

Existing buildings face significantly more barriers in decarbonization than new construction, which is why an incremental approach and an all-in-one solution are critical in establishing a sustainable roadmap to zero emissions.

“We are now fully committed to working with GNFZ to achieve net zero certification and go beyond our entire portfolio…to show how every existing and new home, as well as residential unit, can create a practical plan and fulfill the promise of being net zero and net positive – all while being cost-effective.”

Marshall Gobuty | Founder & President of Pearl Homes

A trailblazer in the realm of eco-friendly and energy-saving construction for both single-family and multifamily residences

A first of its kind, incremental process

Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch to set up a call, go over your needs and develop a plan together. We're here to help you each step of the way.

Phase One: Initiate

Conduct an assessment and develop a plan to reach net zero emissions.

Phase Two: Implement

Implement strategies, achieve milestone certificates along the way and ultimately reach net zero status.

Phase Three: Sustain

Submit annual documentation to maintain your net zero status.

“Our landmark partnership with GNFZ has empowered us to accelerate our net zero targets…we have already successfully calculated our emissions and are on track to net zero certify our two flagship facilities in 2024!”

Govind Dholakia | Founder & Chairman at SRK

One of the world’s largest diamond crafting companies valued at over 1.8 billion USD

Certification that leaves no building behind

With unlimited entry points, GNFZ’s net zero certification for existing buildings breaks down the ‘all or nothing’ barriers that have plagued the path to a net zero world.


There’s more than one right way to do something. With the industry leading GHG Protocol at the heart of GNFZ’s methodology, you can expect an open, trust-based and data-driven process aligned with Paris Agreement targets. We also know that flexibility is key to net zero success – GNFZ’s certification is rating system agnostic, allowing total flexibility in choosing your own standards.

Elimination of Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions

With a singular focus on helping you eliminate your Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, our approach enables you to receive an emissions calculation for your building, as well as support in setting a net zero roadmap for implementing strategies to achieve net zero certification.

All-in-one service

Expect to find all your zero emissions experts, tools and resources in one place. GNFZ’s all-in-one platform ensures the integrity, pace, cohesiveness and completion of your net zero certification journey from start to finish.

The Global Network for Zero Difference

  • Incremental roadmap to realistically get your buildings to net zero over time

  • Implementation support throughout the process to ensure success

  • Calculate and reduce your Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions

  • Multiple opportunities for recognition throughout the process to demonstrate progress

  • Baseline emissions assessment with quality data

  • Total flexibility to choose any standard, method or framework as GNFZ’s certification is rating system agnostic

  • Outcome-based certification process with a more intuitive workflow and reduced documentation

“We want to deliver value that our customers and their stakeholders can count on, which is why we utilize the GNFZ platform to encourage more clients to focus on net-zero outcomes and to demonstrate to potential clients that net-zero certification is not out of reach for existing buildings, which the established green building certification systems have not focused on.”

Johnny Chen | President of Segreene Sustainable Design & Consulting (SSDC)

The first and only consulting firm in Taiwan to provide a full range of sustainable building design and consulting services

A little goes a long way

Access multiple opportunities for recognition along the way to certification through GNFZ’s incremental process.


Milestone Achievements

Assessment Certificate Awarded after the completion of a carbon assessment, calculating a building or portfolio’s Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. This is performed after a building’s various emissions sources are inventoried.
Net Zero Plan Certificate Awarded after completing and submitting a net zero plan, which you have total flexibility to develop based on your scope, schedule and budget.
Carbon Offsets Certificate Awarded when you’re ready and want to validate your carbon offsets as described in your net zero plan.
Net Zero Milestone Certificates Awarded upon achieving intermediate net zero milestones, reflecting your progress against permanent removal of carbon emissions.
Final Net Zero Certification Awarded when your project achieves zero Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, which the project must sustain. If the status changes, you will recertify the project, beginning with an assessment.

Reach net zero

Access net zero certification for existing buildings resources: