KC Reddy

GNFZ Advisor

Founder and Chief Architect, Rubix


Global Network for Zero Advisor and collaborator KC Reddy has built his career on marrying cutting edge technology with ethics, leveraging today’s innovations to solve tomorrow’s problems – all while protecting the integrity and privacy of the end user. Reddy is Founder and Chief Architect of Rubix, a green, secure L1 blockchain built on a revolutionary Proof-of-Pledge protocol, which he invented. As an expert in both cyber security and investment, Reddy has perfected this green, secure blockchain which enables the decentralization of the Global Network for Zero platform.

Proof-of-Pledge, Reddy’s brainchild and the foundation for Rubix’s green blockchain system, was born out of a desire to address both the shortcomings of existing cryptocurrencies and the most pressing issues facing humanity: primarily climate change and income inequality. Leveraging deep understanding and working knowledge of both the technology and investment sectors, Reddy combined the best parts of existing blockchain protocols to engineer the unique protocol that allows each transaction to achieve finality without expensive and energy-intensive mining. Rather than focusing on the token alone, Reddy designed Rubix as a comprehensive Web3 and blockchain platform with applications in ESG tracking, publishing, transactions, and cybersecurity, to name a few.

In addition to spearheading Rubix, Reddy founded Ensurity Technologies, a cutting edge global cyber security platform specializing in cryptography solutions. Reddy is also an investor in global technology, with portfolios at various funds including Barings, ABN Amro, Nevsky Capital, Charlemagne Capital & Credit Agricole.

Reddy graduated from Osmania University, India, with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering. He earned his MBA with a distinction in finance at the Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata.